Saturday, May 15, 2010

Scene Kids - How to be Emo

Emo. It is not just a fashion statement, is a state of mind. Ironically, even though the group is very wrong with emo-mate is not composed simply looks fake. Without the right mindset, I can not bring the desired free expression, long before he even fit skinny jeans hidden.

To the untrained eye an emo, a Gothic is a sexual dimorphism is (undistinguishable sex). The clothing and hairstyles are extendedSexes, often resulting in a confusion of sexual preference, and although this is only a theory that is, I firmly believe that this is the reason why many of them seem to be bisexual.

Cynicism aside, all ingredients must be a fraternity in which to develop a "true fashion". From the hair that has little changed over the years, the iconic symbol of emo-ism. Usually dyed black, short in the back, often cutting knife, and then dived in frontCreate a long fringe effect. This is then combed to one side, usually covering one eye, creating a sleepy, low-hung, and the contemplative attitude.

As I mentioned before, the appearance of the two sexes is very merged, and men often wear eyeliner and nail polish and other props, which are typically associated with women.

tight clothing is the key and the rule for all emo. or skinny fit jeans in a variety of colors, accompanied by his favorite bandT-shirt, shirt or brightly colored label last road. While they are attracted painful, is a must play low enough to look studded belt under his shirt.

The girls are basically the same decorated, but that often seem more masculine than men and are often covered with multiple piercings and horn-rimmed glasses and sandals and flat with little skulls and hearts.

You are the butt of a lotTabloids, and I heard reports of a predisposition to self harm and suicide. Even if you look miserable, this is just the nature of the poetic and contemplative music listeners, so please do not be alarmed, and this should not be confused with other cultures, more sinister and dangerous.

It is formed in the formative years of adolescence as emos, when emotions need something tangible and coherent, are to make sense of all that inclined. Poetry, lyricsabout love and loss, and blogs online reflex is the result of that lifestyle, so the symbolism of the bleeding hearts, and so on.

Add to the mix of melodic rock number, often with the word "base" in the end, so you know that at least a bit 'heavy and can be kept at least a little' respect, and you must complete the package.

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